Are you having trouble locating a company to set-up and train you on your business Accounting in Charlotte, NC?
If you are, it is because there are very few companies that specialize in this type of Business Accounting. Most of the Wellington companies prefer doing write-up, tax return preparation and business consulting.
Without an experienced company to assist you in the set-up and training of your accounting systems, your business may not have accurate records for the preparation of your profit and loss statement and balance sheet, which are your financial statements. Financial statements show your businesses’ profitability which assists you in making decisions on purchases of inventory or equipment. Financial statements are also needed when applying for a bank loan and preparing a business tax return.
When your business applies to a bank to get a loan to purchase equipment or inventory, the bank requires copies of two or three years of business tax returns and current year financial statements. If your financial statements do not accurately show the businesses’ profitability, the bank will not process your loan because your business does not meet the financial requirements the loan. Without the needed equipment or inventory, your company may go out of business or be unable to continue to grow.
Also, if your accounting is done incorrectly, your business could end up paying more income taxes than was necessary. If your income statement is showing a larger profit than you actually have for your business, your tax preparer will file your tax return with inaccurate information. This will cause you to pay unnecessary incomes taxes.
So to avoid these problems, you need a local company to assist you with your accounting right here in Charlotte, NC.
The following are some tips on what to look for in a qualified company for your accounting
- They should have a person certified for the past 5 years in the accounting software you currently use or wish to use for your business.
- They should offer accounting setup and training at your office or remotely to your computer.
- They should offer telephone and remote support for your technical and accounting questions.
- They should offer initial consultation to evaluate your accounting needs and problems.